Monday, October 24, 2011

so its been a few weeks since this blog started and it definatley time i talk about me

well i go to gcs high school wok all week end and have the worst time possible at school. usually i rake leaves clean my house ect. then after i did what chores where necessary i would work on bailiwick ranch maybe 20 fer the hr hayride witch is a half hr away or do Saturdays in the zoo. the zoo sucks i work full days fer maybe 60 75 dollars if im lucky so money doesn't  appear and i have no time to be a kid but if i didn't work id have absolutely no cash even tho i do chores....

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

got my dirt bike running this weekend

my bike is a pe 175 . the bike was given to my father in poor condition. me and my dad bought various engine parts and bored the jug, it now runs like a champ.

Friday, September 23, 2011

opie ortiz

the man behind all of the album artwork for sublime
. the picture to the right is brad nowell from sublime donning his back piece from the cover of the self titled album in 96

sublime with rome

smoke two joints , sublime




[-4-5-----5--4--2--2--4/5-----5--5--5--4--2--2--4/5-]    X2





Verse 2:






Interlude 2:








although ears are most commonly stretched lips conches cheeks nose you think it you pierce it you can stretch it
ear stretching is an ancient practice recently popularized by teens and the younger generation. the body piercings are fitted with tapers by pushing them through a lubed ear lobe , it is used to go up 2mm max and anything else has to be punched with surgical care .